function showerrmsg(msg) { layer.msg(msg, { icon: 5, time: 4000, shade: 0.2, shadeclose: true }); } function showerrmsgandrefresh(msg) { layer.msg(msg, { icon: 5, time: 4000, shade: 0.5, shadeclose: true, end: function (index) { location.reload(true); } }); } function showerrmsgtime(msg, times) { layer.msg(msg, { icon: 5, time: (times * 1000), shade: 0.5, shadeclose: true }); } function showerrmsgtimeandrefresh(msg, times) { layer.msg(msg, { icon: 5, time: (times * 1000), shade: 0.5, shadeclose: true, end: function (index) { location.reload(true); } }); } function showok(msg) { layer.msg(msg, { icon: 1, time: 3000, shade: 0.5, shadeclose: true }); } function showokandrefresh(msg) { layer.msg(msg, { icon: 1, time: 3000, shade: 0.5, shadeclose: true, end: function (index) { location.reload(true); } }); } function showoktime(msg, times) { layer.msg(msg, { icon: 1, time: (times * 1000), shade: 0.5, shadeclose: true }); } function showoktimeandrefresh(msg, times) { layer.msg(msg, { icon: 1, time: (times * 1000), shade: 0.5, shadeclose: true, end: function (index) { location.reload(true); } }); } function showokandjump(msg, url) { layer.msg(msg, { icon: 1, time: 3000, shade: 0.5, shadeclose: true, end: function () { location.href = url; } }); } function showloading() { layer.load(1); } /*=======================手机端封装方法开始===========================================*/ function mobilinfo(msg) { //信息框 layer.msg(msg); } function mobilinfomsgtime(msg, time) { //信息框 layer.msg(msg, { time: time * 1000 }); } function mobileerror(msg) { //信息框{ content: '' + msg + '', time: 2, skin: 'msg' }); } function mobileconfimurl(msg, url) {{ content: msg, time: 2, skin: 'msg', end: function () { location.href = url; } }); } /*========================手机端封装方法结束============================================================*/ function pcshowinfo(msg) { layer.msg(msg, { shade: [0.3], shadeclose: true, time: 2000 }); } function pcshowconfirmtourl(msg, btnyes, btnno, url) {{ content: msg, btn: [btnyes, btnno], shadeclose: true, yes: function (index) { location.href = url; }, no: function () { } }); } function showclosewindow(msg, url) { layer.alert('' + msg + '', { closebtn: 0 }, function () { location.href = url; 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} return true; case "en": if (!(/^[a-za-z ]+$/.test(input))) { //用户名中不能是纯数字 return false; } return true; case "enandnumber": if (!(/^[a-za-z\d ]+$/.test(input))) { //用户名中不能是纯数字 return false; } return true; case "domain": if (!/^(([0-9a-z_!~*'().&=+$%-]+:)?[0-9a-z_!~*'().&=+$%-]+@)?(([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}|([0-9a-z_!~*'()-]+\.)*([0-9a-z][0-9a-z-]{0,61})?[0-9a-z]\.[a-z]{2,6})$/.test(input)) {//判断是否合法的域名 return false; } return true; default: return true; } } //写cookie function addcookie(objname, objvalue, objhours) { var str = objname + "=" + escape(objvalue); if (objhours > 0) {//为0时不设定过期时间,浏览器关闭时cookie自动消失 var date = new date(); var ms = objhours * 3600 * 1000; date.settime(date.gettime() + ms); str += "; expires=" + date.togmtstring(); } document.cookie = str; } //读cookie function getcookie(objname) {//获取指定名称的cookie的值 var arrstr = document.cookie.split("; "); for (var i = 0; i < arrstr.length; i++) { var temp = arrstr[i].split("="); if (temp[0] == objname) return unescape(temp[1]); 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message_policy_tip = "you need to agree to the privacy terms before submitting a message"; message_success_tip = "the message has been successfully submitted, and we will contact you as soon as possible!"; } else if (currentlanguagetype == 3) { message_phone_tip = "請輸入您的電話"; message_email_tip = "請輸入您的郵箱"; message_email_error_tip = "郵箱格式不正確,請檢查"; message_content_tip = "請輸入留言內容"; message_policy_tip = "您需同意隱私條款後才可提交留言"; message_success_tip = "留言提交成功,我們將會儘快與您聯系!"; } if (!importcheck($("#txtfooterphone").val(), message_phone_tip)) { $("#txtfooterphone").focus(); return; } if (!importcheck($("#txtfooteremail").val(), message_email_tip)) { $("#txtfooteremail").focus(); return; } if (!inputcheck("email", $("#txtfooteremail").val())) { mobilinfomsgtime(message_email_error_tip, 5); $("#txtfooteremail").focus(); return; } if (!importcheck($("#txtfootercontent").val(), message_content_tip)) { $("#txtfootercontent").focus(); return; } if ($('#policy').is(':checked')) { } else { mobilinfomsgtime(message_policy_tip, 6); 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if (currentlanguagetype == 2) { showtips = "please enter what you want to search"; servarurl = "/en" + servarurl; } else if (currentlanguagetype == 3) { showtips = "請填寫您要搜尋的關鍵字"; servarurl = "/ft" + servarurl; } if (searchkeyword.length == 0) { mobilinfomsgtime(showtips, 7); $("#txttopkeyword").focus(); if (locationtype == 2) { $("#txtsearchkeyword").focus(); } return; } location.href = servarurl; }